I feel inspired by the Dumbo drunk scene that was shown in class last week. I love the way that everything flows and how chaotic this scene is. In this project, I want to create a nice visual dream sequence. I will begin by casually walking down the street. Until I come across a piece of artwork. Looking into the artwork takes me to another place, another dimension. Really it is just a dream, but all of these chaotic happenings feel so real. I am naked on campus, caught up in a zombie apocalypse, random people are yelling, we fly through the sky in a roller coaster, and all of this will include pop culture references. Basically chaos and a lot of confusing things are going to be happening during the whole middle portion. I will wake up with Michael Cera in bed, making the audience think that I woke up from my dream. Then I really wake up to just myself in my room. Oh what a crazy dream...
I am excited to make this. I wasn't sure of what I wanted to do at first, but last night it came to me that I should make a crazy dream sequence. As I have mentioned before, I like to make my artwork chaotic and confusing, so that is what I am going to strive for here. I was always really inspired by the show Adventure Time because of the beautifully-done animation. That show really inspired me to connect more to my creative side and continues to inspire me to make whatever art my heart desires. That show also creates this sense of silliness, but at the same time I feel so much admiration and respect for the artists and messages being used throughout. This sense of "being taken serious" is first off hard as a woman, but especially hard when you are an artist. I take Adventure Time very seriously, and I hope any art I create - whether it is perceived as silly or whatever - is somewhat impactful and/or thought-provoking for the audience.